Angler’s Mail – July 09, 2019

(avery) #1 9 JULY | 21

on the taimen’s head like a
cannonball, and it took off like
a rocket towards Siberia. The
Chuckle Brothers could not
have done it better.
I remember Ratters falling
into the Wensum twice a few
years back, in his eagerness to
get a bait to some very visible,
very big summer chub.
He underscored the lesson
here. No matter how tense
and thrilling the scenario, you

should settle, breathe and take
your time. It’s classic hare and
tortoise. More haste, more

Lack of preparation
I’d driven 40 miles to a Suffolk
carp lake, got my gear out and
found I’d packed two bottom
sections and two completely
different top sections.
I don’t know how it had
happened, but I simply had to

turn back to Norfolk again. Now
I always assemble rods before
loading them into the car.
Last winter I netted a super
roach for Malcolm, only to see it
drop through a massive hole in
the mesh and swim off. Rats in
the garage.
It was almost as bad as the
time when I lost a 31 lb pike, in

  1. I put it in my sack whilst I
    went for my camera. When I got
    back, it had gone. On inspection,
    rats had chomped half the net
    clean away.
    Message? Check and double-
    check everything, always.

They are plenty of amusing
examples of laziness. This one is
not. In 1994, at the height of my
Scottish ferox trout obsession, I
took a group of four friends out
onto a ten-mile-long loch.
The boat was designed
for three, not fi ve, and it was
leaking, the engine was dodgy,
I had no oars, we had no
lifejackets, and the wind was
force 4, rising to storm 6.
We got away with it, but
we might very well not have
done. My madness could have

After the huge Mongolian
taimen cock-up, Pingers went
onto to get his biggie.

Ten years back, while guiding on the Wye, I tied on a hook, an angler
hooked a barbel and lost it. My knot had failed. It was the only fi sh of
A few years ago Ragi hooked a carp, so we took the decision to go out the day. Freddie’s fi sh here stayed put till the net.
on a dodgy platform to land it. I can still hear the creak of timber as
it cracked and collapsed, throwing us into 15 ft of water. We survived,
landed the fi sh and Ragi even salvaged the camera that had been
around my neck. But it could have ended differently. Never take risks.

Continued over››
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