The Teenager Today – August 2019

(Barré) #1




here isn’t much talk about
virtues today. Even if there is, it
isn’t nearly enough. Nowadays,
we prefer to talk about values.
Schools and most other educational
institutions have Value Education as a
subject, so that students understand
the value behind certain actions.
The underlying hope is that once
they master the theory, they will
be in a better position to put it into
practice. How far is this strategy
successful? Each of us can do a quick
self-evaluation and find out for
ourselves how helpful this academic
requirement has been. I, for one, can
testify that all the ‘A’ grades I scored in
Value Education contributed very little
to the development of my character.

Values and Virtues

Values can simply be understood
as good ways of behaving. You
might recall hearing the story of
the young village shepherd who
decided to play a prank on the
villagers and shout “Wolf! Wolf!”
He managed to get away with
his trick twice but when the wolf
actually appeared, nobody came to
his rescue. This story is often told to
impress the seriousness of a lie and

the importance of honesty. It is a
classical example of a value.

Virtue, on the other hand, is an
aspect of character. It defines who we
are in a way that values can never do.
One can practise a value irrespective
of one’s character; that is, an evil
person can practise good values like
generosity or kindness but it doesn’t
affect him/her in any way. Go back to
the example of the shepherd; despite
being a person who did not value
others’ time or interests, he could
still very well have been a diligent
worker. Now, diligence is a value that
the shepherd perhaps possessed but
it definitely doesn’t count as virtue.
The shepherd behaved the way he did
because he didn’t possess virtue. He
was not of sound character otherwise
he would never have behaved in
that way. Value remains as value if
it is practised merely for the sake of
doing so or for some other equally
unprofitable motive. Value becomes
virtue not simply when it reflects in
the ordinary behaviour of a person but
when it enters into his/her mind and
heart, that is, into one’s very being and
forms part and parcel of who one is,
namely, one’s character. Values thus,
are closely related to what one does
while virtue is related to who one is.

Virtue is not simply something that
can be practised by anyone. It takes a
just person to practise justice, a loving
person to spread love and a forgiving
person to forgive someone who
causes hurt. Consider for a moment a
friendship. One has to be a friendly,
approachable and likeable person in
order to make friends easily.

If you have noticed, the qualities I
mentioned earlier resemble virtues.
Now think for a moment if you
knew a person who was gifted with a
golden tongue, that is, someone who
could speak beautifully and deliver
the most convincing speech, but was
not a trustworthy person; would you
feel comfortable to associate and be
around that person? Most likely you
would not. I certainly wouldn’t! So,
this brings us back to the fundamental
point that we have been discussing:
Virtue is far more important than
value. Don’t get me wrong. There
is nothing wrong with practising
values. In fact, they are very important
elements in the process of developing
virtues. One does not become a
virtuous person overnight. It takes a
lot of practice. One has to regularly
and consciously practise values in
order to develop virtue and thereby
shape one’s character.
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