The Teenager Today – August 2019

(Barré) #1
that, but the really great make you
feel that you too can become great.”


Choose a role model
With a role model, you have an
example of whom to correspond to.
What are the qualities you admire in
that person? Think of how to apply
these qualities in daily life — at home,
at work, in creative pursuits, in social
relationships, in lifestyle, etc.

Whom do you look up to and why?
How are they making the world a
better place, and how can you follow
suit? Don’t lose sight of them; see
how they handle hard questions,
painful situations and difficult
circumstances, and learn from


Stop comparing
yourself to others.
People differ from one another
in intelligence, abilities, talents,
health, success, financial
condition, popularity, etc. In any
given area, some may be better
than you and you may be worse,
while others may be worse than
you. By comparing ourselves
with others we make ourselves
miserable; it is a waste of time
and energy that could be used in
creative and profitable ways to
improve our inner resources.

Be happy about yourself and be
a positive person. You will then be
radiating happy and positive energy
and influence in society. Share with
the world your unique gifts and
talents, enriching others and yourself.
Don’t worry about what others have
and what you don’t have.


Love yourself.
A genuine love for self has
nothing to do with selfishness or
egocentrism. This idea is found
in the teachings of practically all
religions. The self is the necessary
seed-ground of all good thoughts
and deeds. To love yourself is to take
care of yourself and nurture yourself,
promoting your spiritual, physical

and emotional well-being.

You can love others only if you
Accept yourself as you are,
Love yourself,
And have confidence in yourself.

Your beliefs and actions should
make you, as well as others, feel
good. If you work for others without
caring for yourself, you are likely
to end up resentful, angry, negative
and disappointed; and you are not
likely to have any positive impact
on others. If you are acting like a
good person only on the outside
while inside you are self-loathing

please a particular person or to
win recognition, fame or reward.
Do good simply for your own
satisfaction of doing what you judge
to be good. Never brag about your
goodness or righteousness; never
play superior to anyone.


Make small changes.
A person cannot change in an
instant, but small changes can make
a big positive difference. Break up
your target into small goals, one
for each month, and focus on the
change you want to make in one or
two key habits. For example,
wouldn’t you feel bad if someone
interrupted while you were
speaking? A starting goal could
be, “I will listen to others without
interrupting them in any way.”

Greater interest, attention and
care should be taken in working
out your principal goal or main
resolution than in lesser matters.
Abraham Lincoln said, “Your
own resolution to succeed is
more important than any other

Remind yourself of your
goals every morning and daily
evaluate your faithfulness to
them before retiring to sleep.
Note the progress you have
made from one day to the next.
Did you succeed or fail in living
up to your goals? If you failed, find
out the causes and take steps to
remove them.

In the words of Aurobindo Ghosh,
“An aimless life is always a troubled
life. Have a purpose in your life.
Every individual should always have
an aim. On the quality of your aim
will depend on the quality of your
life. Your aim should be high, wide,
generous and disinterested; this will
make your life precious to yourself
and others.”

Dr George Kaitholil is a distinguished speaker and author of 91
books. About 3 million copies of his books, published in 8 languages
in various countries, have been sold around the world. he has been
associated with The Teenager Today for more than 30 years.

and angry, all your outward actions
may be a mere pretence with no real
goodness inside.


Be your genuine self.
Be yourself; do not be like
someone’s carbon copy; do good
things as simply as you can. Only
a genuine person can do genuine
good. As Shakespeare said, “To thine
own self be true.” You will be able to
focus on your core values and what
is important for you.

Be good for goodness’ sake.
Don’t try to be good merely to


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