Western Art Collector – August 2019

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he Phippen Museum’s annual Hold
Your Horses! Invitational Exhibition &
Sale celebrates the majestic nature of
the equine form through the works of dozens
of artists who depict horses. Each artist has a
connection to their subject matter, whether it
be a lifelong love of riding, tending horses on
a family ranch, or simply a fascination and
passion for these beasts that have become
such an ingrained and integral aspect of our
This year’s Hold Your Horses! runs August
3 through September 22. Artists recognized
in the 2019 show for their ability to capture
the horse’s complex form include Barbara
Meikle, Harper Henry and R A Sturgill,
among many others.
“Why do we honor the horse with this
special annual exhibition? Because this
incredible animal, through its powerful
persona and even tempered attitude, is one
of the most valuable resources to ever have
existed on earth, providing the means for
mankind to travel far distances, carry heavy

Art Show Preview

Horse Sense

The 6

annual Hold Your Horses! Invitational Exhibition & Sale

brings the art of the horse to Prescott, Arizona.

Nancy Davidson, Unbroken, oil, 16 x 30”

Barbara Meikle, Spring Green, oil on canvas, 16 x 20”

R A Sturgill, The Mane Event, oil on
panel, 24 x 14”
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