Working Mother – August 2019

(vip2019) #1 | august/september 2019 7

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Y “Make sure the agenda/purpose is limited, clear and communi-

cated to everyone ahead of time.” —Dorian Block, writer/editor

“It’s OK to gently cut off

someone midconversation if

it’s not moving things forward.

Just schedule a brief follow-up
with them on the spot.”
—Matt Cohen, senior sales engineer at Splunk

“Hold meetings
standing up, and cut
down on introductory
—Kimberlee Phelan, partner
at WithumSmith+Brown

“If half the meeting is done but not half the agenda,

I ‘time-check,’ reminding everyone how many more

minutes are left to speed things along. I do it again

10 minutes before the end of the meeting.”
—Italia Granshaw, chief of staff for a New York State Assemblymember

“Ensure the content is relevant for all attendees or

arrange for people to attend for only the relevant parts.”

—Mike Morrison, business- and people-focused coach, on Twitter

“Keep all

meetings to 45

minutes. That

way, people

have a chance to

catch up before

the next one.”
—Kim Kazemi, bank loan
senior associate for
NYL Investors LLC

“Always ask yourself, ‘What is

the purpose of this meeting?’

before you accept the invita-

tion. If you’re not sure, ask

[the person who invited you].”
—Barbara Nixon, executive coach,
on Twitter

“Physical activity

increases product-

ivity. If possible,

walk and talk.”
—Amanda Holst-Larsen, HR business
partner at Pfizer Sverige, on Twitter

If you’re constantly in conferences

that go on and on, try what

these mega-slammed parents do

to stay on schedule. By Anna Cincotta

End Meeting



“I have a hard stop at...”

“ Let’s table that
for now.”

“ To be considerate of
everyone’s time...”

“ To stick to the

“ I need to pick up my
kid at...”
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