Modellenland Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

What are your plans for the future? For the
future, I would say that several projects are
being considered, such as: Inspire the world
by showing that "all dreams are achievable
when we have no limits in life and an unwa-
vering belief in our vision". Work as an inter-
national model in the four corners of the
world. Write a personal development book

Do you have any advice for people who
would like to start in this environment? If I
could give advice to people who would like
to start in this environment, would be:
"believe in yourself, work hard by taking
massive actions every day, and have an un-
wavering vision for your goal. »

What do you think of the magazine "Model-
lenland"? I think that the magazine "Model-
lenland" is a great idea that has been created
because it allows interesting people to inspi-
re the world with their work and their back-
grounds. And also, to be able to create inspi-
ring lives.
instagram: @official_leon_dony


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