Modellenland Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

What has been your most memorable
session and why? Every session always
leaves me something special, but the
ones that left me the most satisfaction
are those on the beach and in Venice.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? I started
with a Canon EOS full-frame and I conti-
nue to shoot with Canon finding it very
suitable for my photographic needs,
generally using Canon 50 mm lenses.

What is one piece of advice you would
like to offer a new photographer loo-
king to start their own business? An
aphorism Laozi teaches that "every long
journey begins with a first step", so start
immediately by following your passion,
doing tests and experiments, humbly
learning from the great photographers
of the past and going to see contempo-
rary exhibitions.

What do you think of our new magazine
I consider it one of the best magazines
because it allows you to get to know the
talented work of photo-graphers and
models from different countries and
with different styles, an important style
to confront and increase your desire to
collaborate and develop new photogra-
phic projects. puro

Issue50 - August 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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