Modellenland Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

Photographer Marcel Caprini (France)

After a long career as a cycling champion of good national level, I was animated by another passion: the pho-
to! In summary I abandoned the little queen for the beauty queen and I named there WOMAN! Her beauty
is second to none, she is unique and I have a boundless admiration for her. I place the WOMAN on a pede-
stal, I venerate her, I respect her and I love her. For her I ignite and without it I am consumed ... She is my
leitmotiv! WOMAN is my MUSE, my EGERIE, my ICON ... I'm lucky to have my wife, who was my very first

She is now my lighting assistant, my make up, my hairdresser and my stylist. I am only a modest self-taught
photographer passionate. I admit that our DUO now enjoys a good reputation that translates into many -for
shoots ... or even too much, which sometimes forces us to refuse some applications because we want to fo-
cus on quality over quantity. .. our seriousness, our good humor and our professionalism makes its merry
way and we are satisfied. However we are aware of our limits but still we will always strive to move forward

We have a wide audience and we receive requests sometimes from stylists, make up artist, hairdressers, ar-
tists , dummies, miss, or other reality TV stars. Finally to complete my resume I attach you the link of my
modest photographic works. Sincerely and passionately. - Instagram : marcelcaprini06

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