Modellenland Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

Photographer Dusit Dughera (Italy)

Can you tell us a little about you? Hi everyone! My name is
Dusit and I was born in Bangkok but actually I live in Turin. I
studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and I am an artist and
photographer! I love painting, drawing, sometimes I did ex-
hibitions of my work but now I focus on the photography!

How and when did you get into photography? I get started
in 2012 because my previous job don't realized me and I de-
cided to learn the photography and try to make it a job, not
only a passion!

What does photography mean to you? For me is capture
the moment. It doesn't matter if the pics is imperfect, I
don't want only technical and rules but I try to rappresent
the emotion!

Please briefly describe your photography style for our
readers. My photography derives from my painting, it's al-
most the same thing but I use the camera instead of brus-
hes and pencil. My principal subject are the human figure in
black&white seen through glamour style.

Where do you get inspiration from? I took inspiration
around me, I look the work of other photographer that are
better than me!

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture? Yes
Sure! Before a shooting I always think about all to do during
the set, from the outfit to make-up, location ecc ecc.

Studio, on location or both? Both! I don't want limit for my

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid profes-
sional? I think to consider me like a paid professional.

What has been your most memorable session and why?
It's happen at the beginning of my study on photography, I
wanted to take pictures of a rather well-known model and
asked her if she wanted to do a shooting and she agreed by
telling me that she would believe in me because one day I
would become a great photographer. I was about to cry in
that moment!

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Nikon! My
favourite lens is the 35mm f2 and the 70-200

What is one piece of advice you would like
to offer a new photographer looking to
start? Don't stop to study, never! Stay
strong, never give up and don't forget the

What do you think of our new magazine?
Very beautiful! I have see a lot of interesting
photos where I can take inspiration!

Model Silvia Mazzoldi

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