.................. look book goes surfing.......................................
.... the rising levain cookie empire............................... a jewish-japanese sando........
best bets
most interior designers have a few inex-
pensive room-transforming tips up their sleeves,
unsexy Home Depot finds that you won’t see cred-
ited in World of Interiors. One particularly tried-
and-true strategy is to replace depressing light
fixtures with the classic hardware-store pairing of
a white porcelain socket and a globe bulb ($9 for
both). In this brass-obsessed design moment, the
utilitarian favorite “leaves things looking nicely
unfinished,” says David Netto, a Los Angeles–
based interior designer who learned about it
from architect Annabelle Selldorf. “They’re sexy
in their simplicity.” Other small but equally
impressive fixes include adding a stately,
plaster-esque ceiling medallion ($30) or
swapping in a more traditional-feeling
black toilet seat ($50), which can, sur-
prisingly, make a world of differ-
ence. For more high-impact,
modestly priced upgrades
gathered from deco-
rators and aes-
thetes, turn the
Photograph by Joe Lingeman 43