62 new york | july 22–august 4, 2019
Not Looking for
the End of the World
“joseph elmer yoakum” is at Venus Over
Manhattan through July 26.
a trove of over 60 exquisitely beautiful, quasi-abstract col-
ored-pencil landscapes by Joseph Yoakum are emitting undu-
lant optical auroras on Madison Avenue right now. Yoakum was
born in Missouri in 1890 to a former-slave mother and a Native
American father. At age 10, he began working with Ringling
Brothers, Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show, and other rail-
road circuses as a horse handler and billposter. He served in
France during the First World War and, over his life, worked as
a miner, carpenter, shoeshine, janitor, and mechanic, as well as