Sunrise over
the City
By Christina Webb
It’s worth getting up before dawn
to experience sunrise over the City
(pictured below), before the crowds
get to it. And what better way to see
in the day than with a yoga session?
There’s something really special
about the classes held in the garden
at the top of the Walkie Talkie
building. Breathe in, stretch, and
before you know it, the sun has
started to appear over the skyline.
I find it the perfect way to relax, and
an antidote to time spent exploring
the busy streets below. After yoga,
I devour a well-deserved breakfast
(pastry, cereal, yoghurt, and so on),
included in the ticket, and that’s my
restorative start to the day!
Lost in the
By Hazel Lubbock
I’ve literally never found
the entrance to the Barbican
immediately, upon arrival.
But criss-crossing the network
of walkways connecting this
immensely ugly (to some) and
utterly brilliant (to others) estate
i s h a l f t h e f u n. Yo u (o r a t l e a s t, I)
always get a different view of the
Brutalist icon, and can peek into
people’s homes along the way.
There are always exhibitions, films
and performances to check-out
here. And on Sundays, you can
bliss out in the tropical-vibe
Conservatory. This place really is
a concrete jungle, and I wouldn’t
have it any other way.
For dinner, perhaps Vicolo Pizza
London or Bacaro for good value
Italian. If I was feeling fancy, I’d go
to Symposium for pork fillet with
r o a s t p o t a to e s (t h e w i n e l i s t i s
amazing). Further down Roman
Ro a d, yo u’ l l fi n d p r o p e r E a s t E n d
cafés, and if music is your thing,
s e t t l e i n a t M u x i m a f o r t a p a s , l i v e
gigs and various slightly arty
activities while enjoying its
hotch-potch decor.