baby & toddler
If you don’t listen
to me, I’m going to
phone the police!
While resorting to this scare tactic
may seem like the only solution
in those frustrating times when
you’re trying to discipline a difficult
toddler, she has no idea how to
distinguish whether you’re being
serious or not, says Candice. “This
form of consequential disciplining
may not be the most appropriate
or effective way to discipline
your little one as her inability
to think abstractly can limit her
understanding of what you're
trying to achieve. It may also leave
her in a state of fear about the
police actually coming for her."
RATHER: Get down to her level and
use simple words to clearly explain
exactly what you’re asking. Give
calm but firm warnings and make
the consequences concrete,
for example, "Mommy can see
that you are upset. I would like
you to stop throwing your toys or
they will be packed away until
you are calmer." Assist her in
achieving the desired behaviour
by offering support and guidance,
making sure that you follow
through and remain consistent.
Come on, say hello!
We live in a society where social norms
like social engagement, greeting
people and conversing is accepted
and desired and parents often teach
these social norms to their children
from a young age. “Some parents
find it frustrating or embarrassing
when their little one doesn’t
greet other people and will
say things such as ‘Stop
being shy’ or ‘You’re
not being a very nice
boy/girl now’,” says
Candice. “However,
the fact is that toddlers
and young children
are only starting
to develop the
awareness of others
at this age and
may feel unsure,
confused or afraid about interacting
with strangers or even people they
know. It’s not because they’re being
naughty or rude but because they’re
trying to figure things out for themselves
which is why being punitive about their
emotions during these interactions won’t
help to achieve the desired interaction.”
RATHER: Assist your little one by
introducing the person to her and if
she’s apprehensive, acknowledge
this by comforting her, then give
her the space to warm up to that
person at her own pace. LL
Click on Family, then General Articles
for 10 rookie mistakes parents
make and how to avoid them.
64 | AUGUST 2019 | L&L