Sanctuary Asia – July 2019

(lu) #1

the prothorax of the female with his forelegs and just
prior to the act, the female will extrude her sting. Once
copulation begins, the male will hit the back of the female’s
neck with his antennae. The female stridulates for seven to
10 seconds during the process and even after they separate.
Multiplication is the name of the game. T

More at|Natural History

Photographer: Agnimitra Banerjee
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Species: Velvet ant Nemka viduata
Top left: Details: Camera: Nikon D7000, Lens: Tamron 90 mm. f/2.8,
Shutter speed: 1/60 sec., Aperture: f/16, ISO 100, Focal length: 90 mm.,
Image taken: November 03, 2018; 03:04:12 p.m.
Top right: Details: Camera: Nikon D7000, Lens: Tamron 90 mm. f/2.8,
Shutter speed: 1/60 sec., Aperture: f/16, ISO 100, Focal length: 90 mm.,
Image taken: November 03, 2018; 03:04:19 p.m.
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