Visual Merchandising and Retail Design – July 2019

(John Hannent) #1

our sales as well. So grabbing the attention
of the customer and talking about the new
products in an innovative way was the basic
idea behind installing the smart visuals at
the stores.”

Brands like Levi’s, Being Human, GAP,
Unlimited, Flying Machine, Arrow, Monte
Carlo too are using digital signages and
LED screens in stores to run brand story and
campaign related videos to create brand
recall and grab more eyeballs.

“The main objective of using LED screens
is to show our advertisements and offer
related communication to existing and
prospective customers in a more appealing
format,” says Rishabh Oswal, Executive
Director, Monte Carlo.

Sales boost

Effective dynamic digital displays can not
only tempt the customer to a store but
also ultimately help the brand in increasing
sales and maximizing profits in the long
run. According to a Nielson report, 80% of
brands experienced up to 33% in additional
sales through the use of digital signage.

Speaking about the ROI from dynamic
digital communications, Karan Berry,
Creative & Marketing Head, Being Human
says, “Digital signage does lead to sales.
When customers see a product that is
displayed on the screen, they ask for it and
they emphasize more on it. So the sale of
the pieces shown on the digital screens is
much higher. The data comes to our retail
planning team and they get an average
of how much sales have been generated
because of these kinds of engagements.”

Rishabh Oswal of Monte Carlo adds, “It
actually adds to the aesthetics of the store.
Apart from visual delight it also attracts
customers. Though ROI is not directly
measurable, but yes it does contribute.”

Content is king

Though digital signage is one of the most
versatile and effective weapons for any
brand, the truth is that the success of any
digital signage ultimately comes down to
the quality of content that is plays, and how
interactive it is for the customers. Right now
brands are using it mainly for narrating their
stories and running campaign related videos.

As Shishir Gupta, Head – Digital In-store
Experience, Arvind Fashions Limited puts it,
“The content played on the digital screens
is only promotional, there is no interaction
happening right now. Digital signage and
smart walls are still at a nascent stage and
we realize that more than the hardware,
it is the content that is important. We are
working hard for creating engaging content
for digital signages and smart walls. It’s
no use having brand content or brand
story that doesn’t fulfil the purpose. So we
are building content to make the digital
signages more interactive and right now we
are at the evaluation and building stage.”

Agrees Gajpal Singh Rathore, Head - VM
& Projects – Arrow, Arvind Fashions Ltd
“Going forward more of interactive content
is what Arvind will be focusing on. That will
be a very difficult exercise because it targets
a different market. Moreover, interactivity
will also require evolution of the customers.
It remains to be seen how many customers
are comfortable using technology without
any hesitation.”

Also, as most brand agree, it is important for
the content to be fresh and relevant to the
customer in order for it to be influential and
drive ROI.

Karan Berry, Creative &
Marketing Head, Being Human

July 2019

Rishabh Oswal, Executive Director
Monte Carlo
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