Mississippi – June 28, 2019

(John Hannent) #1
JULY | AUGUST 2019 177

between the kitchen and breakfast room and added a pan-
try where a powder room existed previously. “The new pan-
try is a beautifully organized space enclosed behind glass
doors,” she notes. “For an overly neat person like myself, it
is a dream.” The powder room was shifted to the laundry
closet, and the sewing room was converted into a proper
laundry room. Nancy then reconfigured the master bath-
room and closet, modified cabinets in the family room, and
added new lighting throughout the house. Reclaimed Chi-
cago brick pavers were installed in the gallery and studio,
and an expanse of French doors and windows was added
along the backside of the house. Before the renovation, one
would not know there was a pool visible from the studio, so
the couple opened up the space with French doors that pro-
vided natural light and helped the flow of the home.

The exterior of the home was given a coat of clas-
sic white paint, setting off the black shutters and gra-
cious front door. The solid brass lion doorknocker was
polished to its original luster, adding a charming detail
to the traditional design. The front façade features a slate
front porch with a pediment over columns and a gas lan-
tern. The home’s sides are not symmetrical, a liberty tak-
en by the architect in the 1960s that adds curb appeal.
The couple also created a grilling patio with a German-
style bench and added an outdoor fireplace by the pool.
Considering the style of the Victorian in San Francisco
differed so vastly from the Fondren home, the couple pre-
dominantly started from scratch with their furnishings,
with the exception of a few interesting rugs and meaningful
pieces acquired through their life together. “The style of our

LEFT TO RIGHT: The bamboo chairs in the gallery were a gift from the couple’s San Francisco landlords and are a quiet reminder of their won-
derful life there. Reclaimed Chicago brick pavers installed in the space, added a traditional texture. The studio is a favorite gathering spot when
Nancy and Owen entertain. “Entertaining is a breeze in our home,” she notes. “We love to have people over for any type of event, whether
intimate dinner parties, crawfish boils, or pool parties”. With a converted kitchen and direct access to the pool and outdoor fireplace, the space
is ideal for large groups.

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