Mississippi – June 28, 2019

(John Hannent) #1
JULY | AUGUST 2019 79


Southern Soirées

h, childhood. Didn’t it all seem so easy and carefree
then? Rooms stacked high with toys. Summer play
dates with friends until dusk. Eating whatever your
heart desired with no worry of whether it was Keto friendly.
But for little ones facing daunting medical diagnoses, child-
hood doesn’t always feel so happy-go-lucky. Luckily, the talent-
ed team at the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children is devoted to
providing highly specialized care for these kids, helping them
get back on the road to carefree days again.
But the state’s only children’s hospital requires significant
community support to carry out its mission, and that’s where
the nonprofit Friends of Children’s Hospital comes in. Among
its full annual schedule of fundraising events, for the past two
decades the organization has hosted “Enchanted Evening,” a
magical affair aimed at reminding adults of their own child-
hood days.
Katie McRae, chair of the 2018 event, drew from the colors
and motifs of one of Disney World’s most whimsical attractions
to carry out a party theme of “It’s a Small World.”
“The idea was to emphasize how the world, while seemingly
big, can truly bring us so close together in times of need,” says
McRae. “Whenever we do an event for the Children’s Hospital,
the kids are at the forefront of our minds, so we want to make
every element as playful as possible.”

writer KELLI BOZEMAN photographer ABE DRAPER

Whimsical décor and nostalgic foods come together at an
“Enchanted Evening” in support of Batson Children’s Hospital.


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CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The museum was transformed with a
melange of bold hues and textures. An assortment of colorful cookies
added to the whimsy of the event. Enchanted Evening 2018 was chaired
by Katie McRae. The theme was continued in the outdoor spaces.


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