React Developer Tools, an extension available on both Firefox
and Chrome browsers, is a tool provided by Facebook to help
debug your React apps.
It can also be pretty helpful at identifying where re-renders are
happening in your app, giving you the opportunity to refactor the
code if you think it’s necessary.
To find out where re-renders are occurring in your app, open
the Developer Tools. Along the top of the pane you should see a
number of options, including ‘Elements’, ‘Console’ and other tools
you’ve probably used before. Once you’ve installed the React
Developer Tools you should see a new item labelled ‘React’ near
the far end of this list.
If you click on the cog icon, you’ll see some additional settings,
including ‘Highlight Updates’.
Try interacting with your site when Highlight Updates is ticked.
You might be surprised at how much re-rendering is happening,
slowing down the experience for users and having a negative
impact on your conversions.
Now you know where to start fixing the problem!
Make using the React Developer Tools a part of your workflow – it will enable you
to highlight any areas of your site that need recoding to get up to speed
I have set up a demo of Context in use on
CodeSandbox (
Let’s walk through this code.
Context consists of two components:
O a Provider
O a Consumer
The easiest way of explaining this relationship is
that the Consumer is what will be using features
‘provided’ by our Context.
Create a new module called Context.js adding the
following code:
import React from “react”;
export const MyContext = React.createContext();
export const MyContextConsumer = MyContext.Consumer;
export default class myContextProvider extends React.
Component {
state = {
aRangeofOptions: [“one”, “two”, “three”],
updatesOnClick: null
render() {
const { children } = this.props;
return (
state: this.state,
onItemSelect: item => {
updatesOnClick: item
“A p p s c a n p e r f o r m f a s t e r
because changes made to
properties no longer
require a huge amount of
re-rendering on a
parent component”