Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1

Old SchOOlTraining camp

By 2-Time Olympia Classic
Physique Champion and
Arnold Classic Champion
Breon Ansley


116 MD July 2019

Eating to Stay Shredded
Can you walk me though a day of eating for you in the off-season?
Sure! Understand that in bodybuilding/Classic Physique, there really is no
such thing as an “off-season,” as we’re constantly striving to improve. I usually
get five or six meals in, depending on how early I start my day. Every morning,
before I have anything to eat, I like to start the day off with cardio, abs and
calves, along with my stretching routine. This morning ritual puts me in a great
place, mentally and physically, to have an energetic and productive day. I will
usually have three meals after this before I do my weight-training workout.
Meal 1 is one cup of oats (dry measure) with a cup and a half of liquid egg
whites. I can’t even remember the last time I ate eggs. It’s so much easier to
pour them in a glass and
down the hatch they go!
Meal 2 is 6 ounces of
chicken breast, weighed
out on a food scale,
and one cup (cooked) of
jasmine rice, a medium
sweet potato, or five rice
cakes. When I’m dieting,
this meal has no carbs
in it.
Meal 3 is my pre-
workout meal. This and
my post-workout meals
are the most calorie-
dense meals of my day
because they bookend
my most active and
physically demanding
portion of my day. It
will be 8 ounces of lean
red meat, usually bison
but other times flat iron
steak, with the same
carbs I just mentioned.
Those are my only carb
sources both off-season
and pre-contest, because
I digest them well with
no bloating.
Meal 4 is usually the
same as meal 3. When
I’m dieting, I cut back on the red meat and eat more chicken breast instead.
When it’s getting down to the final weeks and I need to be super sliced, it gets
even leaner with a lot of white fish.
Meal 5 is substantial, but only protein and fats, no carbs. I might have 10
ounces of chicken breast or extra-lean ground turkey with fats from avocado,
almonds or almond butter. If it’s almond butter, I will have two tablespoons.
My macro breakdown is 200-220 grams of protein, 250-275 grams of carbs (I
don’t need a lot of carbs to grow) and 100-130 grams of fat. I should also mention
that I season my chicken with either Bragg Liquid Aminos, which tastes like soy
sauce, or honey mustard, which only has 1 gram of sugar and 6 calories per
serving. As I said, if my day is longer, I will get six meals in, and the other one is
typically another chicken and rice meal.
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