Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1

72 MD July 2019

he wanted to allow his fans the chance to have some
input on the decision. He put up a poll asking them if he
should do MPD one last time at the 2018 Olympia. Over
10,000 of them said yes, and less than a thousand said
no. To qualify, he headed to Tampa in August and won
that, and landed just outside the top 10 at the Olympia
the following month. That might have been it for
Franklin’s MPD career, but he gave it one last run at the
2019 Arnold Classic, once again nabbing fourth place.
What he really needed was a boost of confidence,
and he got that the day after the contest when he
was doing a photo shoot with “King of the Covers”
Jason Ellis, who happened to also be shooting Classic
Physique runner-up Steve Laureus. “I had never stood
next to one of the top Classic guys before, so I had no
idea how I compared,” he says. Laureus was a good
sport and let Logan jump in to pose next to him on video
and in some still shots. Franklin now saw he wasn’t
as far away from the stars of that division as he had
thought. “I’ve really hit my stride these last couple of
years, feeling my muscles better when I train and just
being so much more focused and taking all of this more
seriously, and my body is growing and maturing.”

Grow Time
Logan is aware that he still needs to fill out his
frame to contend with the best pros in Classic. He’s
been competing at 6 feet tall and 205 pounds as
a Men’s Physique pro. To offer some perspective,
Chris Bumstead is the same height but competes at
the weight limit for that height as designated by the
IFBB Pro League, 230 pounds. He has no intention
of attempting to pile on 25 pounds over the next few
months, though. “I want longevity, and I feel I can have
a long career ahead of me if I’m smart,” he begins.
“That means no injuries, no internal damage or health
problems from going crazy with gear and keeping my
waist small.” And rather than just throw on random

Logan poses
Steve Laureus
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