Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1

  1. You’re Eating

Too Much

Too much of a good thing is
bad, and that even applies to the
cleanest diet foods. Losing fat is
a simple mathematical equation
of calories in versus calories out.
If you are taking in more calories
than you expend, you won’t burn
off the fat you want to. People oft en
either don’t realize this basic fat or
else choose to ignore it. It’s normal
and sadly, usually necessary to
experience hunger when you’re
dieting. Unless you have the world’s
fastest metabolism, you shouldn’t be
eating until you feel extremely full,
even if it’s in the form of plain white
fi sh and rice as opposed to Taco Bell
Burrito Supremes. Yet many men and
women who are ostensibly dieting
with the goal of gett ing much leaner
will continue to eat larger portion
sizes than they should be. How much
should you be eating per meal, and
how many calories per day? No one
can answer that question for you,
which is why you will need to track
your meals and calories. In the Stone
Age before we all had smartphones,
you had to log all that in a notebook
and do the math yourself. Now you
have no excuse not to track your
nutrition, as you have a choice of
many hundreds of apps for your
phone, or online programs if you
prefer using your laptop or desktop
computer. If you’re not losing weight,
you need to eat less than you are
now. Again, it doesn’t even matt er that
you might be totally strict and eating
perfectly clean. Too many calories are
too many calories!

If you’re not losing weight, you

need to eat less than you are

now. It doesn’t even matter that

you might be totally strict and

eating perfectly clean. Too many

calories are too many calories!

80 MD July 2019

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