Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1

July 2019 MD 85

Any of you who have at least
an intermediate level of nutrition
knowledge have been through
this scenario a hundred times,
more often when you happen to
be in leaner condition. A family
member, friend or some random
guy or girl at the gym or a kid’s
birthday party will hit you up for
weight-loss advice. They assure
you “they eat good,” and they
truly believe it. Once you have
them run you through a typical day of their eating, you’re
horrified at how shitty their nutrition really is. They do things
like skip breakfast, eat carbs by themselves, and eat fast-
food and deli meats thinking they’re making a healthy choice
because Jared from Subway told them to. They often go all day
without eating much and then gorge themselves into a food
coma every night before passing out. But even some of you
might be making mistakes in your food choices that sabotage
your fat-loss efforts. Do you eat white bread? Do you eat things
like breaded chicken or fish? Do you drown your salads in ranch
dressing, or your meats in heavy condiments? Do you drink
fruit juice? Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis? How about
those delicious flavored coffers and lattés from Dunkin’ Donuts
and Starbucks? All these things and more will compromise the
results of your diet. You need to educate yourself on what clean
eating really is. A dozen Chicken McNuggets from McDonald’s
and a chicken breast might contain the same amount of protein,
but one has a ton of fat and salt that will keep you further and
further away from a clear six-pack and veins on your quads.

I doubt many people are
as proficient at the art of
procrastination as writers, but plenty
of guys and girls are champs at
putting off the launch of a diet. It’s
almost a cliché to see someone
stuffing his or her face with pizza or desserts on a weekend as they
let you know that their diet begins on Monday. In many cases, that
Monday changes to the next Monday, or the first of the next month, or
the day after some event they plan on chowing down at like a wedding,
a company picnic, or some food-based holiday like Thanksgiving. More
and more time goes by, and there always seems to be something on
the horizon where they fear they would be missing out on a lavish
spread of delicious grub if they were already on a diet. I get it. I
wouldn’t want to be eating grilled chicken breast and rice out of a
plastic container while everyone around me was inhaling a deluxe
seven-course meal topped off with desserts so sumptuous they should
be on one of those Food Network baking championship shows. But
you all know it’s impossible to get where you want to go if you don’t
take the first step. Putting off your diet over and over again increases
the odds that you’ll never start, and thus you won’t ever get lean.
Accept the reality that to lose body fat and show some sweet muscle
definition, you will have to pass up a lot of the foods that put that fat on
your body in the first place. You will be around people who are eating
things like cheeseburgers and fries, pizza, cake and doughnuts, and
you won’t be able to scarf those items down unless you choose to give
up your diet. If dieting and eating super clean were easy, 74 percent
of men and 60 percent of women in the United States would not be
overweight or obese. The hardest part is taking that first step. It won’t
be easy to stay on a diet, don’t get me wrong, but more people than we
will ever know never even start. Stop putting it off already!

  1. You’re

Cheating on

Your Diet

Without Even

Realizing It

  1. You’re


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