Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1


July 2019 MD 93

Last but certainly not least, we come to The Welsh Dragon,
Flex Lewis. Condition was always one of the greatest weapons
in his considerable arsenal. There were always men in the 212
division who packed more mass for their height, and there were
a few who had more aesthetically pleasing overall structure
and shape. Where Flex killed almost all of them was on
deep, clear muscle separation. Lewis resembled an anatomy
chart, where you could easily identify individual heads of the
biceps, triceps, quads and hamstrings, as well as the complex
collection of muscles that make up the back. The only factor
that occasionally hurt Flex’s condition, or I should say the
appearance of said condition, was that he had to make the
weight limit of 212 pounds. On several occasions, the stress
of having to drop 10 to 12 pounds even though he was already
stage-ready caused his muscles to look fl at and defl ated.
When muscles lack fullness, they fail to push out against
the skin, and their actual detail and defi nition won’t be as
apparent. Flex did not have that problem at the 2018 Olympia,
where he won his seventh and fi nal 212 title. There on that Las
Vegas stage, he was both full and in the condition of his career,
split and striated from head to toe and front to back. It was a
fi tt ing end to his 212 career, and a forceful reminder of just why
he had dominated that division for the bett er part of a decade.


Lewis resembled an anatomy
chart, where you could easily
identify individual heads of the
biceps, triceps, quads and
hamstrings, as well as the
complex collection of muscles
that make up the back.
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