Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1
Arms are the one body part most people associate with being strong and
muscular, which is why everyone from UFC fi ghters at weigh-ins to fi rst graders
will throw up a half-assed front double biceps pose to communicate power and
confi dence. Arms also happen to be the muscle group you can show off most oft en
due to the way we as human beings in 2019 dress most of the time. You can’t walk
around too many places in shorts, so there go the legs. Unless you’re in a string
tank top, which went out of fashion about 25 years ago, no one can normally check
out your chest, shoulders, back or abs. You need to be shirtless for that. But you
can almost always wear short sleeves, whether it’s a T-shirt or a polo. And once
the weather heats up, short sleeves and sleeveless shirts become not only the
norm, but fully acceptable. This is the time of year to show off your biceps and
triceps in all their glory. And while there are still a couple of summer months left ,
why not work extra hard on them to make them even more glorious? This calls for a
specialization program.

94 MD July 2019

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