Woman’s Weekly UK – 16 July 2019

(Jeff_L) #1
Linda Handbridge, 57
Tell us about your look...
My tunic top and trousers are from
Zara. I love colour and bold prints so
when I spotted these, I snapped them
up. I also like quite loose, floaty pieces
so the style is also very me. My sandals
are Dune and my basket is from Rae
Feather. It has my initials on it, which
makes it special. My fashion mantra is to
go with what you like, enjoy wearing
it and, most importantly, be yourself.
And the best bit of your body?
My hair and skin.

Anita Fletcher,
Tell us about
your look...
I’ve just bought this top
from Next. I loved the
print and the colours.
My jeans are from Tu
at Sainsbury’s. I like tunic
tops and jeans or loose
linen shirts and trousers.
I love wearing trainers –
this gold pair from Asda
add a touch of sparkle!
My bag is vintage Jones
Bootmaker and my
scarf was a present from
my daughter.
And the best bit of
your body?
My skin is good and my
hair is still super long!


Grant, 30
Tell us about
your look...
I like to mix high
street and designer
for an individual
look. My blazer is
from H&M. They
have some fab
on-trend pieces. My
T-shirt came from
H&M, too – they’re
also great for basics.
My trousers are by
Phillip Lim. I love
the colour and
the high-waisted
style – they’re my
‘standout’ item! My
trainers and bag
are from Primark.
And the best bit
of your body?
My legs and bottom!

What you’re


Alex Bortoft, 47
Tell us about your look...
I don’t buy clothes unless I love
them! They also have to feel nice to
the touch. If the fabric is gorgeous,
I know it’ll feel wonderful to wear.
This dress came from Primrose Park.
I’m into floaty maxi dresses and
they have a great collection, full of
wonderful colours and prints. My
trainers are by Air & Grace – my
favourite brand. My bag is Fairfax &
Favor. It’s goes with everything!
And the best bit of your body?
It’s all my best bit. It’s what I have,
so it’s what I love!

We’d love to see how great you looked in any era up to and
including the 1980s. Please send a good-quality photo with
your name, address and daytime phone number clearly
written on the back, to: Fashion Dept, Woman’s Weekly,
161 Marsh Wall, London E14 9AP. Photos will be returned.

You wore it well

Jo Stanbury, 1959
This is my brother, Albert, and me walking
on Blackpool Pier. My dress was the first
one I had brought from a proper dress shop
and it cost as
much as my
wage, £8.50.
It had a red
rose print and
I wore grey
shoes and
a belt. I did
feel posh! I fell
for the dress
as soon as
I saw it and
had to save
for many
months, but it
was worth it!

6 womansweekly.com

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