The Artist - UK (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1
56 artistDecember 2019


The darker grey of the foreground
buildings was developed with mixes of
light red and cobalt blue, combining
drybrush and wet-in-wet techniques to
keep this an impression. I added touches
of raw sienna to create warmth in the
windows on the right. The bus and phone
box were picked out with alizarin crimson,
with touches of grey to mute the colours
and suggest the relections on vehicle
windows. Details such as wheels, traic
lights and igures were added with a rich
dark mix of burnt umber and ultramarine

  • I varied the tones by adding more or less

Combining my photos and tonal sketches,
I developed the inal composition, using
the igures and traic to create scale and
movement and emphasise the aerial
perspective and hazy distance. This was
lightly sketched onto the paper with a 4B

I started with a pale wash of raw sienna
across the sky, buildings and road, lifting out
highlights and relections with a damp brush.
While all was still wet, a pale grey mixed from
burnt umber and ultramarine was added and
encouraged to run down the sheet, creating
streaked clouds and tinting the buildings.
Once dry, I developed the distant buildings
with a slightly darker mix of the same grey,
varying soft and sharp edges to create the
efect of the rain

p Wet grey day tonal sketch
On a recent sketching trip to London I was blessed with heavy rain. Looking towards St Martins
in the Fields, I was inspired by the glossy relections on the wet road and receding tones of the
buildings to gather reference with quick sketches and photographs for a studio painting

DEMONSTRATION Wet, Grey Day, London

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