
(C. Jardin) #1


home bears just enough of the original structure
to pay homage to what it once was while allowing
it the chance at a future full of life. And life is
certainly the main focus of this home, each room a
testament to Anne’s practiced eye as an interior
designer and her desire to layer elements and
pieces that never leave the impression of being
over-decorated or untouchable. Every space is
intended to be livable, from the expansive kitchen
that often hosts massive black-tie gatherings
that spill into the living room and out onto the
heirloom gardens, to the dining room whose
walls are covered in a paper that Anne “carried
around before the construction began and never
wavered in my decision to use.” Says the designer,
“I wanted the spaces to look inviting—never
stuffy. No room should be off-limits to anyone
who comes in, including the dog!”
Overall, the aesthetic runs to the traditional,
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