Visi – July 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1
Moody dark-walled lounges
with an assortment of vintage
objects lead to white, light-
filled bedrooms.

OPPOSITE There’s a number
of reasons to slow down as
you near Richmond, one of
which is the Karoo Padstal,
20 km north of the town on
the N1. The Groblers are
part owners of this upmarket
farm stall. The photograph
shows the daily harvest table,
created by chef Yuriëtta
Stevens. Another attraction
in Richmond is Modern Art
Projects South Africa (MAP
SA), owned by collector and
philantropist Harrie Siertsema.
It is the largest contemporary
art gallery under one roof in
the country.

Karoo Padstal: @karoopadstal
Modern Art Projects South
The Richmond Café & Rooms:
079 755 8285 JUNE/JULY 2019 72

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