Your Home – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

food & drink

nBlitz a quarter of the tomatoes to a smooth
purée in a food processor with the chillies, garlic
and ginger. Place in a large heavy-based pan or
preserving pan.
nPulse the rest of the tomatoes several times
in the food processor to roughly chop them up
and add to the pan with the vinegars and the
lime or lemon zest and juice.
nPlace the pan over a medium heat and bring
to the boil, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle in the
sugar, stirring until it has dissolved. Then reduce
the heat to a gentle simmer for about 30-40
minutes, stirring from time to time, until the
mixture has reduced by roughly half to a richly
coloured, glistening jam.
nremove from the heat and season with the
salt. Meanwhile, sterilise your jars and twist-on
lids. Spoon the chutney into the warm jars,
filling to the brim, and seal immediately.
nStore in a cool, dark, dry place for up to a
year. kee p in the fridge and use within 3-4
months once opened.

Recipe extract from Pam the Jam by Pam Corbin
(Bloomsbury, £20). Published 11th July 2019

Tomato and chilli jam

4 1kg tomatoes (as ripe as possible) 4 4-6 red
chillies, halved lengthways and deseeded
4 4 fat garlic cloves, peeled 4 3cm fresh root
ginger, peeled and roughly chopped 4 200ml
cider vinegar or wine vinegar 4 50ml balsamic
vinegar 4 finely grated zest and juice 1 unwaxed
lime or lemon 4 400g golden granulated sugar
4 1 tsp fine sea salt



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Time 30 minuTes
Cooking Time
50 minuTes
makes 800ml

spicy pickled fennel

with chilli flakes

nAdd the fennel to a bowl and toss with
enough sea salt to ensure a light, even
covering. Leave for a minimum of 1 hour.
nPlace the vinegar in a pan with the sugar
and chilli flakes. Bring to a gentle simmer,
remove from the heat and allow to cool to
room temperature.
ndra in the excess liquid from the base of the
fennel bowl. Pack the fennel into a sterilised
jar and cover with the vinegar. Seal and leave
for a week before serving.

Recipe courtesy of Sarson’s

4 4 medium fennel, washed and finely sliced
4 sea salt 4 500g malt pickling vinegar
4 60g sugar 4 1 tbsp chilli flakes

Time 1 hour 20
Cooking Time
10 minuTes
serves 1.3kg
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