Your Home – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1 August 2019 83


well,’ she says. Two new bathrooms were
also fitted, and old-fashioned carpets
replaced with laminate flooring.
With the lion’s share of the building work
completed in just three months, Christina
then began planning the decorating
scheme. ‘Nigel and I had lived in France
for 10 years so I wanted a French country
look, and as we live beside the sea, it was
impossible to ignore the coastal influence,’
she smiles. ‘In the end, I combined the
two styles – I like to call it ‘coastal with
a French twist!’ Years of working as an
interior designer has taught Christina that
it’s important to create a sense of visual
continuity, especially when decorating
smaller properties. ‘I’ve learned that it’s
best to choose three main colours, and use
them in every room,’ she says. ‘Mix up the
patterns and textures by all means, but
stick to your three basic colours.’
Having splashed out on the bespoke
kitchen units, she aimed to save money
elsewhere in the flat by upcycling some of
her favourite furniture from her previous
home, rather than buying entirely new

Christina brought
the glass-topped
dining table and
vintage kitchen
dresser from her
previous home to
create a cosy dining
corner. The roller
blind fabric is from
Clarke & Clarke.
‘The sailing boat
pattern really sets
the coastal theme,’
smiles Christina

Christina designed
the classic Shaker-
style kitchen herself,
and had it built by
a local carpenter.
‘It looks a lot more
expensive than it
actually was, and it
was well within our
budget,’ she says.
The blue kettle and
toaster came from
John Lewis

The iridescent mosaic
tiles are Christina’s
favourite feature in the
kitchen. ‘I bought them at
Fired Earth and they were
a bit of an extravagant
buy, but I love seeing
them every day.’

Good idea!
Christina has used garden chairs
at her dining table as they fitted
the colour scheme and were a
bargain, using cushions to make
them more comfortable.
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