Knives Illustrated – August 2019

(Elliott) #1
on the Web



YouTube Channel:
Kaila Cumings


Top-Left: Kaila in
her shop hogging away
steel to find the knife

Top-Right: A unique,
cleaver-like knife
created by Kaila in
her shop.

believe that a female could genuinely
be interested in knifemaking or have a
love and a passion for knives.

I’ve never felt the need to prove myself
to anyone though. People are going to
think what they want no matter what.
All I can do is just work hard, focus on
myself, and constantly try to grow and
learn. When I first started out there
weren’t a lot of females that I knew of,
it’s a very male-dominated industry,
and the whole reason I started doing
knife reviews was to try and get more
females involved in the community.
After a short while, I decided I wanted
to try making knives myself and just fell
in love with the whole process. I post
videos and pictures with the hope that
other women and kids will be inspired
and get involved. Overall though, the
knife community has taken me in with
open arms.

KI: Do you have one “prized” knife that
you cherish above all others?
KC: When I first started out doing knife
reviews on YouTube, I remember doing
a review on the CRKT Minimalist by

Alan Folts. He had apparently seen my
review and ended up making a custom
Minimalist just for me, with custom
engraving on it that matches my side
tattoo. I treasure that knife so much.
It’s definitely one of the most prized
knives I own.

Final Thoughts
KI: Where do you see yourself in five
years? In 15 years?
KC: It’s so hard to say where I actually see
myself in the future because there is so
much I want to accomplish and do. I want
to see the world, inspire people, grow and
learn. I want to keep working hard building
my knife business and learn as much as
possible. Constantly growing and evolving
as a maker.

KI: Finally, using only three words, how
would you describe yourself?
KC: Complex, headstrong and untamed.

Knives Illustrated would like to thank
Kaila for taking us inside her shop,
discussing what it’s like for a woman in the
knifemaking world and her experiences
thriving on “Naked and Afraid.” KI

full-time job? Where can the public see
and purchase some of your work?
KC: I have been a full-time knifemaker
for about 5 years now. I am by no means
rich or well-o­, but I consider myself very
lucky that I get to wake up every day and
go to a job that I am beyond-passionate
about, and you can see my work on any
of my social media platforms.

KI: Not necessarily thought of as a
woman’s profession, do you presently
or did you ever get any resentment
from fellow male knifemakers? Or
have your experiences interacting with
fellow craftsmen been positive?
KC: I’ve had a lot of good experiences
and a lot of bad experiences but being
a female in this industry can be very
hard. I have people that tell me daily
“You’re so lucky,” “You must have it so
easy,” “People probably only follow
you for your looks and not your work.”
The truth is I have to work twice as hard
because I am a female. When I first
started out, I had people question my
motives and thought I was just doing it
for attention or something, because for
some reason it was hard for people to



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