ABHA (About Best Himalayan Adventures) – July 2019

(sharon) #1


he mountains rise.
The mountains
attain giddy heights.
The mountains
culminate in
powerful peaks seducing the bold.
The mountains excite the not-so-bold
to window shop for the sceneries.
Glacial waters forming in the high
homes gather in streams of various
sizes. Some of snowy, bare, verdant,
and forested slopes are hospitable
while others are hostile. Smitten by
these contrasts, I planned a 36-day
visit to Chamoli and Rudraprayag
districts, starting in the last week of
March, 2019.

The spring would let me avoid
raucous monsoon rain and resultant
ruckus, I thought. The river volumes
swell with the rain. The rain

frequently instigates violent sliding
of the instable soft mountain slopes
holding the roads. The collective
action blocks the roads and the
rivers causing traffic jams and fear of

Even though, every day, the sun
was new, the weather did not wear
its traditional spring uniform. The
unexpected drizzles and rains kept
me indoor and ruined some of my
plans. The windows of homestays,
hotels, and vehicles let me observe
and ponder. I gazed at the complex
mountains from the porches for long.
I reflected on wishes of the mountain
dwellers and visitors.

Mismatch in Natural and Man-
made Symmetries

Probably, the residents did not find

Unknotting Maso, Nandprayag. Himalayan Bulbul.

Chamoli and


First Impressions

Volume 4, Issue 1 | June 2019

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