ABHA (About Best Himalayan Adventures) – July 2019

(sharon) #1
payment. After a few years, these “new” landless
villagers beg the companies to appoint their
children, relatives, and / or friends in their
businesses, like travel agencies, hotels, and
restaurants. The locals finally end up cleaning
utensils, rooms, and tents or doing other types of
manual labor in hotels and on camping sites.
Who is unemployed? Who is responsible for “miss”
treatment of the locals?
Sanctity and Use of Holy Places
A path comprised of a ramp and stairs connecting
the market and the holy confluence of the
Nandakini and the Alakananda in Nandprayag
reeked of urine and crap. The similar reeks
twitched my nose in Tapoban temple area. How can
a pilgrim achieve salvation in such a dirty venue?
Unlike these popular spots, kids played in
Narayankoti temple complex in Guptkashi.
Teenagers browsed Internet. The old holy pond
(bawadi) with moss covered high walls provided
drinking water and a place for washing clothes.
Poor Ethics of Homestays
Surprisingly, the homestays in the remote villages
had cunning and ill-mannered owners. For
instance, a homestay owner in Urgam asked me to
keep the entire furniture (a pair of plastic chairs
and small stool) outside the rented room before
going out. His wife put a spoke in my two-day hike
plan to save her husband, the trekking guide, from
cold camping nights. The homestay did not have
a bill book either. I was wondering did they pay
income tax. The owner charged me more than what
he quoted while booking the accommodation. On

the first day, the husband scoffed at me for refusing
his company for a walk to Kalpeshwar temple: sath
jane ke paise nahi lagtae (He will not charge me for
accompanying to the temple). He charged me ₹ 250
for carrying a 2.5 kg-bag besides his trekking fee
(₹500/day) during the day hike although the day
porterage was ₹500 for 25 kg and especially when
initially he said jo dena ho de dena (Pay whatever
you like.).
G.M.V.N’s T.R.Hs: Poor Service Standards

Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam (G.M.V.N.) operates
roomy tourist rest houses (T.R.Hs) in prime
locations across Garhwal Division of Uttarakhand.
I spent twelve days in the rest houses at Joshimath
(4 days), Nandprayag (3 days), and Rudraprayag (5
days). I reserved the rooms online in advance for
all the days. The corporation collected full tariff in

All the three rest houses in prime locations featured
spacious bright sunny rooms. The houses, however,
had many common problems.
Turn-down service was missing completely.
When the rest houses were full, the in-house
restaurants served varied dishes. Otherwise solo
travelers were asked to order from an extremely
limited menu, as if a big favor was being done.
Curt cold staff was busy watching television in the
lobby or restaurant in Joshimath and Rudraprayag.
Largely ignorant and / or unwilling staff could not
provide even directions to the local sights except

Poor quality televisions showed live programs on a


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