ABHA (About Best Himalayan Adventures) – July 2019

(sharon) #1


he Himalayan native primulas
are commonly found in
temperate zone of Northern
Hemisphere. The herbaceous
plants feature non-woody
stems that are not hard. The leaves form a
rosette at the base of the stem. A rosette, a type
of leaf arrangement, means leaves radiating
from a center and generally spreading over the
ground. The leafless stem usually bears pretty
flowers in umbels, a type of flower arrangement
resembling an umbrella. Each flower stalk
emerging from a common point, say the apex of
the stem, forms around or flat cluster of flowers
in the umbel. The bloom color varies with

Drumstick Primula at Chhitki, Urgam

Drumstick Primula
The perennial drumstick primula grows
on open slopes and in shrubberies at an
altitude ranging from 1,500 to 4,500m
during April-June. Color of the flowers
with five bi-lobed petals varies from
purple to mauve-blue. A lobe is a deeply
divided part of the petal but the part is
not separated from the petal. The flowers
form compact globular clusters. The
oblong leaves are much longer than the
width and the margins almost run parallel

Pretty Primulas

Himalayan Key

Volume 4, Issue 1 | June 2019

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