ABHA (About Best Himalayan Adventures) – July 2019

(sharon) #1
March-April, 2019

Drumstick Primula at Parsari, Auli

Primroses: The First
Flowers of the Season

Primulas are also called primroses
in vernacular English. The word
“primrose” is derived from Latin phrase
“Prima Rosa” that means the “first rose”
or “the spring season when flowering

Primrose Day

Primrose day, April 19, is the death
anniversary of the British Prime
Minister Benjamin Disraeli. Queen
Victoria sent a wreath of his favorite
flowers primroses on his death.

more or less for the entire length. The
shape of the leaves may vary. The
flower, leaf, and root have medicinal
properties. The vernacular names
include jaibeez (Himachal Pradesh) and
jalkutra (Uttarakhand).


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