Juxtapoz Art and Culture-Spring_2019

(Martin Jones) #1

138 SPRING 2019


Photos by: Mike Stalter. Thank you to Polaroid for the camera!

Juxtapoz Clubhouse
@ Mana Contemporary,

1 After we got our hands on a
Polaroid camera on opening night
of the Juxtapoz Clubhouse during
Miami Art Week, cover artist
Lucy Sparrow was the obvious
first subject.

2 Beau Stanton is always picture

3 Kimmy McAtee, Nathan Bell
and Chuck Radue from the Vans
crew played some pool at the New
Belgium installation.

4 Power Couple Sean Leonard and
Tara McPherson holding down the
Cotton Candy Machine store.

5 Ken Harman and Raul Barquet in
the midst of a busy Spoke Art booth
at Context.

6 Jux fam: art director Rosemary
Pinkham, editor Evan Pricco,
publisher Gwynn Vitello and ad
director Mike Stalter.

7 Old friend Casey Gleghorn
was hanging with Melanie Moyer
at the Joseph Gross Gallery booth
at Scope.

8 We liked running into Void
Projects’ Charlotte Pyatt at the
Juxtapoz storefront row.

9 Paradigm Gallery’s Sara
McCorriston curated an amazing
selection of artists for the New
Belgium building...

10 Erica Berkowitz of Haven
Gallery brought some elegance
to Scope...

11 ... while Art Poesia from Mirus
Gallery brought some California love
to the East Coast.

12 Hashimoto hangout! Dasha
Matsuura, Ted Lincoln, a covered
Ken Harman and Joel Daniel
Phillips outside the Clubhouse on
opening night!

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