Juxtapoz Art and Culture-Spring_2019

(Martin Jones) #1

14 SPRING 2019


Kate Klingbeil

Juxtapoz Projects, Mana Contemporary, Jersey City

I recently moved my studio from Brooklyn
to Jersey City for a three-month residency with
Juxtapoz Projects at Mana Contemporary. There’s
a lot to see and process while driving through
Manhattan from Brooklyn. You have to go over a
bridge, down buzzing Canal Street in Chinatown,
and brave the long Holland Tunnel through to the
other side. New Jersey is so close, yet it feels slightly
removed from the chaotic and encompassing
energy of NYC.

I brought only the necessities to this new space:
paintings I’m currently working on, some books
for reference, and a brick that says “good luck.”
All of my previous studios have been packed with
items and visual stimuli that have, up until now,

influenced how I work. In previous iterations,
my studio was covered with dozens of my own
paintings and ceramics, as well as tchotchkes and
works I’ve collected from friends... but this time,
I’m trying to keep it minimal.

I’m finding it’s easier to conjure fresh ideas
without looking at everything I’ve ever made.
Each time I move, I shed layers from my past that
I don't want to bring into the future. This space
has allowed me to spread out and work more
freely. I hadn’t realized it before, but being able to
physically step back fifteen feet from a painting
without worrying about knocking something
over has helped me tremendously. It allows me
to understand the painting and what’s working

or what’s not. Emerging from my studio inside
this grand former tobacco factory with its brick
facade and smokestacks, freight trains rolling by
on the track, and Little India a couple blocks away,
I feel lucky to have a space of my own for the next
few months. Artists need space that we can make
sacred so ideas can materialize. I make a mess
every day and clean it up before I leave so I can
start fresh the next morning. —Kate Klingbeil

Kate Klingbeil is participating in the newly established
Juxtapoz Projects residency program at Mana
Contemporary in Jersey City. She is working alongside
sculptor Megan Cavanaugh and will debut a two-
person exhibition in April 2019 at the Juxtapoz
Projects Gallery.

Above: Photo by Jessica Ross
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