Juxtapoz Art and Culture-Spring_2019

(Martin Jones) #1

76 SPRING 2019

in life. I’ve done a gun shop, and the sex shop, of
course, but it’s always the foodld that provokes
the most reaction, the most happiness. You pick
up a product, and you’re like, “Oh god, this is what
my Mum used to make me; and you’re instantly
12 years old after school, and your Mum’s making
you pasta. It such a strong emotion, and if art can
produce that, then hopefully, I’ve done my job in
the best possible way. I hope that’s what I achieve.

There is that beauty to your art, that its
familiarity encourages thought about color,
touch and emotion in a welcoming way.
I remember going to galleries when I was really
struggling. I was making stuff, but it was falling on
deaf ears. I’d go round to galleries and cold call, but
get laughed out the building and it was just crushing.
Because you know, there’s not a lesser meaning
to this. It’s not a crime for something to elicit an
emotional response. Sometimes I think the art world
defines itself as only one thing or another, trivial or
high end, where you’re not allowed to understand it
unless you’ve been to university, you know?

I have a vision of this joyous process as you
come up with ideas that you execute with a
bunch of friends.

My assistant and I will cut everything out, and
I employ seven ladies from my village. It’s tiny
here, like one shop. But I like it that way. I’m quite
reclusive. I have one assistant here, and my friend

Gemma comes up. Were all kind of misfits, and
there are a lot of cats everywhere. We listen to
true crime, and yeah, we’re all a bit weird. When
anyone joins the company, I say, “You have to wear
pajamas to work. And everyone does.”

Yes, but you’re going to have to leave your village
in awhile for your trip to China!

So I’m doing a fake museum! It’s like the history
of art in felt. There’s this non-profit museum in
Beijing called M Woods, and we’ve been in talks
for a year. I thought I could do a big Chinese
supermarket, but then thought I’d like to branch
out a little more. So I’m making all these famous
artworks: Van Gogh, Botticelli, Michelangelo,
Lichtenstein, Mondrian, Monet, Koons and today
I worked on Barbara Kruger.

As with your products, will you be working in
real scale?
Yes, 77 replicas of the art set to open June 1 and
tour six different cities in China. The Kruger is
284 by 284 centimeters. [Editor’s note for the US
reader: That is over nine feet.]

Aren’t you freaking out about getting this done?
I’m terrified, but I made Sparrow Mart in six months.
The Barbara Kruger was made in two days, so I do
work quickly. There are about three months to do
the flat work and two months to do the sculptures.
It’s going to be really tight and I’m flying by the seat
of my pants. I honestly didn’t think I had the balls to
do the Masters, but actually it hasn’t been too bad.
They could end up looking awful, but maybe I’ll get
away with it! I’ve sort of done fake art before.

"I’m doing a

fake museum!

It’s like the

history of art

in felt."

Above: Felt version of Hokusai’s The Great Wave Off Kanagawa, 14.9” x 10.1”, 2019
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