Animal Talk – July 2019

(Barry) #1


Dog shelter


ogs are vulnerable to changes in the
weather and if they are outdoors,
even during the day while you are at work,
you need to provide a place of safety and
shelter from all types of weather.
The Animals Protection Act 71 of 1962
is national legislation. Section 2 of the
Act states that it is an offence to keep an
animal in conditions of confinement or in
a manner that causes them unnecessary
suffering or in any place that lacks
space, ventilation, light, protection or
shelter from heat, cold or weather.
How the provision of shelter is
undertaken is the key. A cosy kennel
in a draught-free area with decent
bedding and the floor of the kennel
lifted slightly above ground level would
be considered acceptable.
Christine Kuch, NSPCA

Is it really necessary to provide shelter
for my dog outside?


that tick

What is the best way to
remove a tick?


f you can handle the gross-factor, you
can carefully remove ticks from your dog
yourself. Use a tick removal tool or simply
your thumb and index finger. Taking care not
to squash the tick, apply gentle pressure
close to the mouthparts of the tick, which will
cause it to let go. Drop it in alcohol to make
sure it’s dead before you dispose of it.
Small animal veterinarian


auses can include alerting to a stranger or
threat in the dog’s territory, distress,
frustration, irritability, separation distress, anxiety,
boredom and insecurity, to name only a few. For the
owner, it is quite acceptable when a dog barks at an
intruder or at other intruding animals, but it becomes a
big problem when the dog reverts to excessive barking,
apparently for no reason, becoming an irritant to his
owner and the neighbours. However, it must be strongly
noted that there is ALWAYS a reason why a dog barks
excessively and it is not because the dog wants to
irritate humans or is being a naughty dog!
Some breeds of dog inherently have a more vocalised
disposition than others; that is what they were bred for,
thus the behaviour is contained in their DNA. It is essential
to always do research on the breed that you are interested
in, as this will give you an idea of the barking behaviour
you can expect.
Anlé Allison, behaviourist

Vocal dogs

Why do dogs bark?

Bow wow


  • Guilt

  • Spite

  • Hate


  • Obsession

  • Shame

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