Animal Talk – July 2019

(Barry) #1
animal facts



hile the monarch butterfly is still a caterpillar, he mostly feeds on
milkweed. This is why the monarch will always lay her eggs on
this plant, so that the newly hatched caterpillar has immediate access
to his food. The milkweed contains a toxin that gets stored in the
caterpillar’s body, ensuring that he tastes horrible to potential predators.
As an adult butterfly, the monarch enjoys sipping nectar from flowers.

Butterfly diet

What does the monarch

butterfly eat?

Such an

‘old’ baby
For how long do
orangutan mothers look
after their young?


rangutan mothers care for their
infants longer than any other
animals in the world, as they have
much to learn from her about how to
survive in the forest. The little one
will cling to his mother’s belly fur as
she climbs through the trees, and
once he is a little older he will ride on
her back. This goes on for the first six
years of the baby’s life.


ees collect nectar and pollen from the flowers of a
plant. The male reproductive organ of a flower is
called the stamens. Some of this organ’s pollen sticks to
the hair on the bees’ bodies. When they visit other plants,
the pollen gets rubbed off on the female reproductive
organ called the pistil, which contains the stigma (the tip
of the pistil). This allows the seeds of the plant to develop
and turn into fruits or flowers.



How do bees pollinate

5 reasons why you shouldn’t tame wild animals

  • You can’t domesticate a wild animal.

  • Wild animals carry diseases.

  • They don’t stay little forever and can
    become dangerous.

  • They may not need rescuing.

  • Your actions fund organised crime.

The difference between a male and female
shark lies in the shark’s claspers. Male sharks
have modified pelvic fins, but females don’t.

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