Animal Talk – July 2019

(Barry) #1

Yes to raw

Send your letters to:
The Editor, Animaltalk, Private Bag X4, Kyalami, 1684
or email: [email protected]
Please include your name and address.
We reserve the right to edit letters for space and clarity.


Slightly amused and with interest I read the
‘The raw truth’ article about what to keep in
mind when feeding raw food in the April issue
of Animaltalk magazine.
My argument has always been that in nature

For senior citizens

no dog, or animal, cooks his food – it is always
raw. I also feed my dogs pellets sometimes. It
is so convenient, especially if someone else has
to feed them.
Raw food: my dogs get pork trotters, chicken
feet, ox tripe, and sometimes mince with cooked
rice or millet to which I add some raw greens
out of my vegetable garden. All of this food is
meant for human consumption – so it is fairly
clean. Incidentally, the moment I feed my dogs
pellets, great hair shedding takes place. Most of
my dogs come/have come to a ripe old age. So
there is nothing wrong with raw food, if you
consider what is in the food.
Margret, via email


These are the icons you will see
throughout your Animaltalk

The DIY icon will help you
to do something yourself.

The planning icon will help
you when you need to
plan ahead.

We know you know, we
just want to remind you
with this icon.

When you see this icon,
it is all about responsible
pet ownership

Sometimes you need an
extra warning to take note
of a situation.

The tips icon indicates
interesting advice.

Don’t you just love lists?
These checklists will make
life easier for you.

You will notice Patches
telling you things throu ghout
Animaltalk. He is there not
only as entertainment, but
to draw your attention to
what your dog might want
you to know.

The letter of Ina Pretorius in the Animaltalk
issue of May 2019 refers. We share her
worry as senior citizens owning dogs as
well: wondering who will look after them,
and that they may outlive us. And I would
so much like to have another dog, or maybe
a few more, but reality doesn’t allow that.
All my life I had dogs and when I married,

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

For all those readers who have requested
it, we now have an active Instagram page,
animaltalk_magazine. We’ll be posting some

Crazy Critters images, and other pictures and
videos we find interesting.
Make sure to follow us on both Instagram
and Facebook, and share your funny stories,
pictures and videos with other readers.

I married a dog lover.  The one thing  that
drives me nuts is that retirement places/
lodges/estates don’t allow pets on their
properties. It is of great concern to me, but
luckily, we still live on our own and don’t
need anyone’s permission to keep pets. I
know an elderly couple who just moved
from one estate to another, at great cost,
because the neighbours had dogs. He even
sued the neighbours for the smallest petty
things that the dogs did.
I do love this magazine and my wife buys
it for me whenever it appears on the shop’s
shelves. And yes, please consider the senior
citizens in your articles as well.
Kallie du Plessis, via email
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