Quilting Arts

(Martin Jones) #1
“Painted Lilies” • 8" x 10"


  • Silk organza or sheer fabric

  • Heavyweight water-soluble stabilizer (I use Sulky® Ultra Solvy™.)

  • Paintbrushes: 2"–3" fl at brush plus a selection of round brushes (#3 and #4 for
    detail areas; #5 and #6 for remaining design)

  • Freezer paper

  • Painter’s tape

  • White foamcore or heavy white paper as a work surface

  • Acrylic primer and extender (I use Golden Artist Colors® GAC 100.)

  • Synthetic 60wt thread

  • Anti-fraying liquid (I use Dritz® Fray Check™.)

  • Artist crayons such as Derwent Inktense blocks or pencils, or Caran d’Ache®
    Neocolor II wax pastels
    NOTE: Any sheer fabric can be used for this technique. I have found that silk
    organza is the most transparent, however, I have also used polyester sheers such
    as those used for sheer curtains. Don’t discount using printed sheer fabrics and
    the eff ect of the background wall color showing through a sheer, painted wall
    hanging. Th ese directions focus on silk organza to illustrate the technique.



  1. Prepare a drawing in 2 layers.
    Think about creating depth
    by making a foreground and a
    background. In “Painted Lilies,”
    the foreground is composed of
    the fl owers and their stems plus
    2 leaves. The background is
    composed of several leaves, some
    painted and others only quilted.

  2. Draw the completed line drawings
    of the foreground and background
    on white paper with a fi ne-line
    marker making sure the lines are
    dark enough to show through a
    layer of freezer paper.

  3. Make liquid stabilizer by cutting
    a 12" square of heavyweight
    stabilizer into 1" square pieces
    and dissolving them in 1 cup of
    warm water. Allow several hours
    for the stabilizer to dissolve.

  4. Place the organza on a sheet of
    plastic. Using a 2"–3" fl at brush
    spread the liquid stabilizer over
    the organza. Let the wet fabric rest
    for 15–30 minutes and then hang
    it to dry.

  5. When the organza is dry, square
    it up, if needed, by pulling on the
    sides and corners and pressing
    with a dry iron.

Before painting

  1. Tape the drawing with painter’s
    tape to the white foamcore or
    heavy white paper.

  2. Cut a piece of freezer paper large
    enough to cover the drawing. Tape
    the freezer paper over the drawing
    with the shiny side facing up.

  3. Tape the organza over the freezer
    paper. Tape at the top only and do
    not iron.

“P“Paiaintnteded LLililieies”s” •• 88""x 1010""
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