Quilting Arts

(Martin Jones) #1
“The Chief” • Jeanne Knudsen • Cody, Wyoming

“The Courage to Defy”
Phyllis Cullen • Ninole, Hawaii

stories in a way that catapults
viewers into situations and helps
them understand on an instinctive,
emotional level. As a girl, I had
the experience depicted in ‘Seeds
of Hatred.’ Although I didn’t
understand the event at the time,
it changed me. As an adult, I
began to comprehend how racism
is preserved and its cruelty and
irrationality. I want to make the
world a better place. My hope is
that by telling this story, others
will connect with it. If that spurs
thought or action, that’s the real
power of art.”
The story behind Tanya’s piece
is written on the quilt. It tells of
the day that Tanya’s mother tried
to teach her to hate a classmate
because of the color of her skin.
This powerful piece moved many
viewers to tears.
While many of the quilts were
created hoping to change hearts or
minds, some of the artists created
work to shift their own focus.

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