Student Struggle – July 23, 2019

(vip2019) #1

circulating values which are utterly irrational
and unscientific. The draft miserably failed

to bridge the gap between the common peo-
ple and scientific ideas. In fact, it is the re-

sponsibility of both the centre and states to
raise awareness about scientific temper and
aid the mass to incorporate such ideas using

media and other faculties. Not only that the
NEP provides any means to inculcate scien-

tific values and ideas but it also shows abso-
lute ignorance towards the growing threat
on scientific temper. The recent times have

witnessed the manipulation of academic
equipments such as text books and examina-

tions with the increased influx of unscien-
tific approaches in education. The situation
becomes worst when the people who occupy

the superior positions in academic institu-
tions themselves are becoming the promo-

tors of such irrational deeds. It is alarming
that the NEP does not provide any means
or shows any concerns in order to curb such

undemocratic an unscientific trends in aca-

In short, the NEP does not offer any kind of
guidance on how to reform the education
field in order to strengthen the fundamen-

tal ethos of democracy. Even though ‘de-
mocracy’ is mentioned superficially in some

places, the words ‘secular’ or ‘secularism’ are
not found anywhere in the draft. The report
doesn’t have anything to say about the de-

mocratisation of the academic field and the
development of a comfortable atmosphere

where students from various backgrounds
could confidently engage in academic activi-
ties. The draft could cunningly ensure the

agenda that the students always remain as
second class citizens in academia.

The NEP has set its face against any kind of
assessment of the existing education system
or in providing alternatives to check the in-
equalities and inadequacies prevail in the
sector; rather it is titled towards a structural
transformation showing no honest concern
for the betterment and inclusiveness of the
education sector of the country. This be-
comes evident since the NEP 2019 has re-
fused to actively engage with the significant
documents on Indian education system till
date such as the Radhakrishna Committee
Report (1948), Mudaliar Committee report
on technical education, Kothari Commission
Report (1966). These landmark reports have
in fact outline the significance of education
sector in the over all, development of the
Students Federation of India will continue
having larger consultations in state level with
people of all spheres of education and civil
society following which we will submit our
feed backs and suggestions to the govern-
ment along with a detailed alternative educa-
tion policy material by July 31st.

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