Greg Woodard.
Wiggins will present a number of new
works for the show including one related to the
Battle of the Alamo titled Colonel Crockett’s
Return from Cibolo Creek. The painting is from
the same series as his 2018 Night of Artists
work titled The Texans. As Wiggins explains,
“It focused on an event that took place on
March 3, 1836, in which Col. Crockett and
two other men were sent out to look for
possible reinforcements. The 2019 Briscoe
Night of Artists will feature a companion
piece in the series further capturing the event
that took place on the evening of March 3
and early morning March 4. This painting
portrays Crockett’s return hours later with
greatly needed reinforcement forces found
along Cibolo Creek. To my knowledge this is
the first time this particular event has been
depicted on canvas. The Battle of the Alamo
would take place only a few days later on
March 6, 1836.”
Beecham’s equine painting When Orange
and Black Clash is another that will be available
in the exhibition. “On an April morning in
Eastern Utah, I watched these two wild stallions
of the Onaqui herd do battle,” Beecham recalls.
“Most of the frequent fights among the herd’s
stallions last no more than a few seconds.
That is a good thing as they are exceptionally
violent. These two, however, kept up their
skirmish over a period of about 15 minutes—
giving me ample time to photograph and dream
of composing their rough beauty and toughness
into a painting.”
Another wildlife-themed painting in the
show is Marris’ buffalo piece Twenty Below.
She says, “Almost every year I go west to
photograph buffalo. I love painting them and
He Who
Jumps Over
50 x 38 x 20”
Pins & Curls,
33 x 25½ x 33”
Bonnie Marris, Twenty Below, oil, 36 x 24”