Rishimukh – July 2019

(Romina) #1

one who is not centred, even his feelings are
dead. His feelings are not clear, he doesn’t
know whether he is feeling love or hatred or
fear or anxiety. He does not know what is
happening, he’s in complete confusion.

na cabhavayatah santir
asantasya kutah sukham (2.66)
How can there be happiness when the
feelings and intellect are muddled up? So,
get centered. Wake up, now! Get centred.
That is samadhi that is enlightenment. It
happens when you are in equanimity.

Now Arjuna asked Krishna,
sthita-prajnas tadocyate (2.55)
What are the signs of such a centred, stable
person? Then Krishna goes on to explain
what Samadhi is:

prajahati yada kaman
sarvan partha mano-gatan
atmany evatmana tustah

sthita-prajnas tadocyate (2.55)
The one who has overcome all desires,
prajahati yada (2.55)
One who just drops all desires,
sarvan partha mano-gatan (2.55)

It’s natural for the mind to harbour desires.
Desires don’t take permission to come in;
they just come and stay. When they come
and stay, they create trouble for you. Even
as they drop in, you can wave them off.

If desires don’t come at all, there is nothing
for you to get rid of. You can see them off.
In this verse, Krishna clearly said how to say
goodbye to the desires which keep arising
in your mind. They have to come. So, they
come and you can wave ‘goodbye’ to them.

One who is satisfied, content with oneself,
is centred, is enlightened. One who is not
hanging on to desires and crying over them,
one who just takes them as they come

It’s natural for the mind
to harbour desires.
Desires don’t take
permission to come
in; they just come and
stay. When they come
and stay, they create
trouble for you. Even
as they drop in, you
can wave them off.
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