Scubashooters – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1

The Cape Paperu Resort on the Maluku

island of Saparua is a great refuge for divers
looking for distant shores far away from gen-
eral tourist routes, and who still retain their
sense of adventure and spirit of discovery.

It might not be the easiest of journeys, but
the destination is well worth the effort!

Cape Paperu Resort & Spa is located at the
mouth of Saparua Bay, on a ridge above the
Paperu cliff.

This resort nestles inside a nature reserve
with old, gnarled trees hundreds of years
old providing shade, plus myriads of coconut
palms, various types of shrubs, wild orchids
and much more.

The diving sites dotted all around the Sapa-
rua, Molana, Nusa Laut and Ambon islands
are as interesting as they are varied and
count among the best in the world.

They offer diving spots with lush coral garden
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