Scubashooters – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1



by: Pietro Formis and Emilio Mancuso


A photographic book dedicated to the

underwater environments of Planet Earth.

This publication is not only a collection of
beautiful images but also an educational
tool for raising awareness of the marine en-
vironment which, for many years now, has
been suffering considerable damage due to
pollution by humans activities.

The book’s purpose is to reveal, and to make
known, lifeforms of particular interest that
populate an environment accessible to just
a few but of great importance for the plan-
et’s ecosystem.

Knowledge of unique natural characteristics
is the first step in the correct management
and safeguard of the areas illustrated by the

A venture like this photographic volume can
be a valuable tool for all those who want to
discover, or see through special images, the
different aspects of a natural world of ex-
traordinary beauty and remarkable features.

A selection of images from different places
on the planet, from the Mediterranean to
the Red Sea, from the Indian Ocean to the
tropical paradises of the coral triangle.

A journey through one ocean, populated by
fantastic creatures with similar evolutionary

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