which Kahler says marks a new age. “It’s
a prime year to celebrate Phoenix’s arts
and culture community,” she says. “We’re
all working together to make it possible
for people to experience as much as they
can, even if they can only make it out for
one day.”
In addition to events like Art Detour,
Artlink works with local artists to give
them the tools they need to have fruitful
careers. “Whenever possible, we focus
on how we can help educate and guide
artists professionally so they’re putting
their best foot forward when we’re
promoting them,” Kahler says. One way
Artlink is doing this is through its new
database, Phoenix Urban Guide, which
is part statewide directory for artists and
the like, part community calendar for arts
and culture happenings.
To broaden its community impact and
help as many artists as possible, Artlink also
teams up with organizations like Downtown
Phoenix Inc. for special projects, including
calls for public art, murals, installations
and Pedal to the Metal, a Phoenix bike rack
project that enlisted the help of local artists
to beautify the city’s bike racks.
Price says that Downtown Phoenix
Inc. has been able to support the arts
community in more ways than one thanks
to Artlink’s expertise and database of local
artists. “That teamwork is invaluable,” he
says. “Those projects have been really
inclusive. Everyone has the chance to be
involved in the work. Artlink is getting
stronger and stronger and I hope we’re
helping with that through our partnership.
I think the future success of Phoenix’s art
community at large is dependent on rela-
tionships like this.”
Winona Grey—a Phoenix based photog-
rapher who shot many of the images in this
feature and the woman behind Phoenix
Aff air, an Instagram account documenting