
(Martin Jones) #1

Wanda Comrie

Australian artist Wanda Comrie relies on her
observational skills to paint soulful botanicals that
peacefully reside in glass vases and colorful bottles.
While the subject is far from new, her approach
to painting is totally fresh and exciting. Comrie
splashes pastel colors in shadows and backgrounds,
and curves plants and fl owers across the canvases
to highlight fragility and delight we may experience
in natural forms. Her painterly strokes add vigor
and life to simple compositions. Infl uenced by her
studies in graphic design, the artist makes still life
setups with clarity. In some paintings, tablecloth
patterns and wall designs contribute to the rhythm
of exhibited plants. In other works we observe
beautiful simplicity—a visual play between the
botanicals and wall space.

Collective Propagation, oil on canvas, 36 x 60"

Suzy Smith

Suzy Smith translates her fascination with the American
culture through female eroticism and pop symbols.
Infl uenced by Alphonse Mucha designs, Smith
composes her images after taking pictures of the model
who is often set against a white backdrop. She arranges
her symbols around the fi gures to tell a story that
references American culture in some way. Unapologetic
nudes look directly at the viewer. Pop culture images
captivate. Our mind runs to discover the meaning
of each painting that the artist doesn’t really want to
elaborate on, leaving it up to the viewer to make the
emotional and intellectual connection with them.

Sovereign, oil, 30 x 24"



“ A dear female artist friend passed these cuttings on to
me. They’re now growing roots, soon to fl ourish and
eventually become strong enough to survive on their
own. Such is our friendship—women supporting
women, sharing plant cuttings, wisdom and stories
of life with humility and conviviality. These succulents
symbolize the growth in female solidarity and alliance,
which fuels, facilitates and enriches my sense of
self, and in turn informs a large part of my identity.
Knowing there is a strong network of support at my
back gives me the strength to know myself in all facets
of my life and to be truly authentic when making art.”

“ For the past few years my focus has been on painting
women who are strong, sensual and sometimes
vulnerable. I paint these women and place them against
a background appropriated from iconic art images,
mostly pop art, that adds to their story: such as dollar
signs, numbers and the American fl ag. Finding Andy
Warhol’s painting $, with that amazing bright pink, fi t
the image perfectly, and the dollar signs speak volumes,
but also ask questions that might not have an answer.
I love the straightforward gaze of my model that
seems very regal and strong, like a queen, wearing her
sovereign crown.”
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